October was a MEGA MONTH and needs two mosaics to do it justice. In the first part of the month, I took my family on a mystery tour around Tosham the place where my ancestors used to live they were descendants of Prithviraj Chauhan .
When I was a kid, I accompanied my grandmother on Tosham Kund to bathe in gyaarasiyaa kund on Somavati Amavasya._
When I was a kid, I accompanied my grandmother on Tosham Kund to bathe in gyaarasiyaa kund on Somavati Amavasya._
My grandmother used to tell me stories of how their neighbors and relatives stepped in to take care of her when she was left without a mother at a young age.
On Somavati Amavasya_this year, I returned to Tosham with my son and my D-in_law, my grand daughter and my niece and I got the same feeling that I did when I visited there with my grandmother forty years ago - the feeling that I was standing on sacred Hill, where My ancestors used to live many…many years ago. In the Haryanvi_ tradition, these sacred spots are known as "local deity", where God's presence can be felt despite the passage of time:
On Somavati Amavasya_this year, I returned to Tosham with my son and my D-in_law, my grand daughter and my niece and I got the same feeling that I did when I visited there with my grandmother forty years ago - the feeling that I was standing on sacred Hill, where My ancestors used to live many…many years ago. In the Haryanvi_ tradition, these sacred spots are known as "local deity", where God's presence can be felt despite the passage of time:
"There is a geography of holy places, the places where the saints have dwelt.... Places whose beauty has been revealed by lives which have been open to God in such a way as to show that this world is not a system closed upon itself. These are places whose power persists through centuries of indifference and neglect to be revealed again when men are ready for it. Places which display the potential holiness of all this earth which man has loved so much yet so much ravaged."
To cut the story short………………….
We started from Hisar , where we pass through cowherds of Rajasthan, I like Tosham. Then we proceeded further north towards another Hill where Barah Dari (prithvi raj ki kachari) is situated. Prithviraj Chauhan who is fondly remember for his valour among old and for his love affair with princess Sanyogitika among the teens. My forefathers belong to this clan.
According to the folklore, it is where Rajput king Prithviraj Chauhan use to preside over the court proceedings to pass judgement. Baradary is a mountain of Satavata religion. It has 12 doors of a tomb. It is an approximately 80-meter-high mountain. Tosham wala Pahad - 200-meter-high mountain of Aravali range. You can see full view of near by villages and greenery all around. It has many temples in this some of them are Baba mungipa, Hanuman temple, water fall etc.
History of Toshamdates back to at least 4th century, as evident by the Sanskrit language Tosham rock inscription at Tosham hill. Tosham was under Gupta rule in 4th Century as per the inscription, later it came under Tomars and Chauhan (Prithviraj Chauhan who built the Baradari) Rajput rulers.
It was simply the most superb day and I enjoyed every single flipping minute of it. Just amazing. I’ll never forget a single thing about it .
To cut the story short………………….
We started from Hisar , where we pass through cowherds of Rajasthan, I like Tosham. Then we proceeded further north towards another Hill where Barah Dari (prithvi raj ki kachari) is situated. Prithviraj Chauhan who is fondly remember for his valour among old and for his love affair with princess Sanyogitika among the teens. My forefathers belong to this clan.
According to the folklore, it is where Rajput king Prithviraj Chauhan use to preside over the court proceedings to pass judgement. Baradary is a mountain of Satavata religion. It has 12 doors of a tomb. It is an approximately 80-meter-high mountain. Tosham wala Pahad - 200-meter-high mountain of Aravali range. You can see full view of near by villages and greenery all around. It has many temples in this some of them are Baba mungipa, Hanuman temple, water fall etc.
History of Toshamdates back to at least 4th century, as evident by the Sanskrit language Tosham rock inscription at Tosham hill. Tosham was under Gupta rule in 4th Century as per the inscription, later it came under Tomars and Chauhan (Prithviraj Chauhan who built the Baradari) Rajput rulers.
It was simply the most superb day and I enjoyed every single flipping minute of it. Just amazing. I’ll never forget a single thing about it .

In the second part we visited Nanital for the Kumaon Literary Festival.My daughter Vipin Chaudhary was speaker for Hindi Poetry, Udaypant moderated the interesting session of Hindi Poetry on Sun, 25 Oct at Aabbotsford ( Abbotsford is located one of the highest points in Nainital and is one of the most distinguished and enchanting stately homes and heritage estates in Kumaon area.)with big name like Geet_Chaturvedi was in the panel.
We met few Of our fav Filmi Duniyaa persons like Rajat_Kapoor . Had variety of Kumaauain food & other gourmet food. Thank you, #KumaonLitFest for creating a truly experiential literature festival of its kind and treating the writers with so much respect. Specially loved the way the volunteers worked with smile on their faces. Sharing a few pictures here.